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Saturday 1 June 2013

Rashtrapita Jyotirao Phule's Religion


Jotirao Phule was an Indian aboriginal. His akhandas were based on the abhangs of Indian aboriginal saint Tukaram (a Moray Shudra.)

His own hero was Chhatrapati Shivaji. He called Shivaji a “…destroyer of the Brahmins“. He believed that they were a degenerative force like the wild animals.

He was a subscriber to Maharishi Vitthal Ramji Shinde’s magazine, Dnyanodaya. (Maharishi Shinde was a Harijan or “untouchable” and a member of the reformist Prarthana Samaj.)

He did not like the castists of Tamil Nadu using Lord Rama as a symbol of oppression of Aryan conquest.

In year 1873, Jotirao Gavondraw Fule (name as spelled then)- dedicated his book “Slavery” thus:

DEDICATED TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES as a token of admiration for their sublime, disinterested and self-sacrificing devotion in the cause of Negro Slavery; and with an earnest desire, that my countrymen may take their noble example as their guide in the emancipation of their Sudra Brethren from the trammels of Brahmin thraldom.


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